Los 1508
ISLAMIC, Anatolia & al-Jazira (Post-Seljuk). Artuqids (Kayfa & Amid). Fakhr al-Din Qara Arslan, AH 543-570 / AD 1148-1174. Fals (Bronze, 27 mm, 5.23 g, 6 h), Hisn Kayfa. Nimbate Christ seated facing on throne, holding book of gospels in his left hand; to his right and left, the epithet of Fakhr al-Din Qara Arslan reading 'mu 'in amir al-mu'minin' ('Helper of the Commander of the Faithful' in Arabic); above in fields, Arabic numerals; to his lower right, countermark of a six-lobbed medallion containing two dragons with entwined necks. Rev. Inscription in Arabic naming Fakhr al-Din, his titles and his ancestors back three generations with the ommitment of his grandfather Sukman I; The legend in three lines reading: 'al-malik al-alim al-adil fakhr al-din'; above, 'bin da'ud'; in left field, 'bin artuq'; in right field; 'qara arslan'. S&S 2.3. Patina stripped and with a countermark on the obverse, otherwise, very fine.
25 CHF
550 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 10-Dec-18, 00:34:00 CET
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